| CWA HistoryThe Cariboo Woodlot Association (CWA), formed in 1988, is a non-profit organization established and run voluntarily by woodlot holders in the region, as well as other individuals with a vested interest in the development and management of private woodlands. The CWA is also a member of the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations (FBCWA) whose combined efforts promote excellence in sustainable forest management through sound and innovative practices. Woodlot License Program HistoryIn 1979, the Woodlot License Program was established in an effort to increase opportunities for small-scale forestry in BC. The program combines private and Crown Land being managed on a sustainable yield basis, to increase productivity and promote excellence in forest management. There are almost 800 woodlots currently operating in BC and that number is anticipated to continue growing. Woodlots are being managed so that they may become a lasting legacy which will be passed on to future generations. Our Mission"Promoting excellence in the sustainable forest management of woodlots." Our Goals
Woodlots in the CaribooThere are 52 woodlots currently operating in the Williams Lake Timber Supply Area. These woodlots play an important role in the sustainability of our forests. They incorporate, important wildlife habitats, visually sensitive areas, water courses, wetlands, as well as productive forests. Management activities strive to enhance all resource values, while being economically viable. Woodlots in the Cariboo contribute to local employment, milling and value-added manufacturing. Contact Information