


What is a woodlot?
    A woodlot is an area of land that an individual or group, referred to  as the licensee, manages as a small business over a long period of time.

What is a woodlot license?
    A woodlot license is the legal agreement between the BC Forest Service and the licensee which conveys the right to harvest Crown timber and manage the woodlot according to the Forest Practices Code. In most cases, the license area includes both Crown and private forest land - usually adjacent or near to the Crown land Portion owned by the licensee.
Who can manage a woodlot?
The Woodlot License Program is open to all Canadian residents over the age of 19, aboriginal bands, and corporations controlled by Canadians. All available woodlot licenses area advertised and interested parties are asked to complete a detailed application. Licenses are awarded through a competitive process.
Why manage a woodlot? (We asked our members)

"I have a vision for this particular piece of land. Managing my woodlot gives me the ability to use my knowledge and expertise to work towards that vision." - Jim Brown-John

"My woodlot provides economic stability for my family's livelihood now, and will continue to do so in future years." - Cecil Morhart

          "I have my own silviculture business. Managing my woodlot is a way to supplement this seasonal income and it also gives me the opportunity to effectively put my silviculture expertise to work."  - Rob Hood



Last modified: January 04, 2001

This website was created by: Fullerton Consulting
Contact: Erik Fullerton
e-mail: midgaard@gmx.net